The Institute
Natural BioEnergetics Institute (NBI) is the worldwide home for Natural BioEnergetics training. NBI provides professional in person and online training for those that use Natural Bioenergetics for themselves and their clients. For clients, it is a self-care, self-responsibility model designed to help educate people about how their energy system works, and work with the NB Specialist to strengthen their body, mind, and spirit.
In the natural health field, the term Bioenergetics Wellness is used to indicate the many systems which have sprung from Applied Kinesiology and Touch for Health™. Here, muscles become monitors of stress and imbalance within the body. The concept of “muscle testing”, is more accurately called muscle monitoring, and becomes a very effective and versatile tool for detecting and correcting various imbalances in the body, which may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, injuries and trauma.